
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Is Grouping Together in the Work Place Always Beneficial?

During a majority of individuals lifetimes, they may need to aquire a job. When working in the workplace, it is important that you get the job done and have a good enough relationship with your co workers most of the time, and help contribute ideas along with the coworkers as well. Although working in a group in some individuals views may be better than shying away from the group and expressing your own ideas, Thinking of your own ideas can teach people how to become more independent. According to Nicholas Wade's article "Researcher Condemns Conformity Among His Peers" where he comments on how People despite their age and profession, all give into the ways of conforming in the workplace. I strongly agree with what the author Nicholas Wade has to say, because I feel that conformity doesn't discriminate, and the context of the word conformity is really the more mature version of what peer pressure is.
Examples of grouping together in the work place is when a coworker may have doubts about pitching an idea because they want what the majority wants. Some people don't want to go against the majority or be trashed by others based on the factor of jealousy. Having your own opinion seperate from someone elses and flowing with it, is what truly what defines your sense individuality, and what you stand for. Conformity can be defined in numerous ways, good or bad.
Conformity can be seen as a positive and negative aspect.It is a topic that may persuade others to find their own path, and to think for yourself. According to the article, conformity or as children may refer to it "peer pressure" will never leave your side. Everyone at somepoint in their lives will deal with the pressure of conforming no matter the situation that they are put in. The idea of going against conformity in the work place relates well to the literary work, Bartleby by Herman Melville, because of his courage to go against authority, and do what he chooses by simply using the phrase "I prefer not to." even though going against everyone in the work place all the time may have not been in his best interest.

(article credit)

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