
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Lefties: Forced to Change for Their Own Good?

The meaning behind conformity can be seen in a variety of ways. People who are left handed tend to get the brunt of it, the majority of the time. In the article, "Lefties Aren't Special After All" the author mentions how people starting from a young age in the 20th century, ended up having to conform into the world of right handed people. During the 20th century, lefties were forced to learn how to write with their right hand, instead of just naturally using their dominant hand which is their left hand. In many aspects being left handed in general, and the use of the left hand was seen in a very negative way in the 19th and 20th century.

Left handedness is a way that lefties everywhere are basically being forced into the world of conformity, and a world where nothing changes, but stays consistent. During that time period, according to the article, lefties seemed to have more fear when it comes to the school environment. The reason that may come up is because of how teachers were forcing lefties to write with their right hand, and not promote or do anything at all with the left hand, which is believe to be the "hand for unsavory tasks". In my opinion being forced to write with my right hand if I was in a similar situation if anything should make a person feel stronger for having accomplished that task, rather than lowering their confidence. Being a lefty may have its ups and downs, but that is what makes a person unique. Although a person can't really choose which hand they right with most of the time, they can still be their own person. Now that we're in the 21st century, Left handed people don't have to go through the torture of conforming into a society of right hinders, and living in a society where no one knows what it is truly like to” live the life of the lefties”.

Is Grouping Together in the Work Place Always Beneficial?

During a majority of individuals lifetimes, they may need to aquire a job. When working in the workplace, it is important that you get the job done and have a good enough relationship with your co workers most of the time, and help contribute ideas along with the coworkers as well. Although working in a group in some individuals views may be better than shying away from the group and expressing your own ideas, Thinking of your own ideas can teach people how to become more independent. According to Nicholas Wade's article "Researcher Condemns Conformity Among His Peers" where he comments on how People despite their age and profession, all give into the ways of conforming in the workplace. I strongly agree with what the author Nicholas Wade has to say, because I feel that conformity doesn't discriminate, and the context of the word conformity is really the more mature version of what peer pressure is.
Examples of grouping together in the work place is when a coworker may have doubts about pitching an idea because they want what the majority wants. Some people don't want to go against the majority or be trashed by others based on the factor of jealousy. Having your own opinion seperate from someone elses and flowing with it, is what truly what defines your sense individuality, and what you stand for. Conformity can be defined in numerous ways, good or bad.
Conformity can be seen as a positive and negative aspect.It is a topic that may persuade others to find their own path, and to think for yourself. According to the article, conformity or as children may refer to it "peer pressure" will never leave your side. Everyone at somepoint in their lives will deal with the pressure of conforming no matter the situation that they are put in. The idea of going against conformity in the work place relates well to the literary work, Bartleby by Herman Melville, because of his courage to go against authority, and do what he chooses by simply using the phrase "I prefer not to." even though going against everyone in the work place all the time may have not been in his best interest.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Religious Conformity

Being dedicated to a religion or believing in a higher power may be the only aspect in someone’s life that they may be able to hold on to. Everyone’s vision of religion can be very different depending on the type of person that they are.This is very evident when the author Michael Welch of the article "Christian Religiosity, Self-Control and Social Conformity" explains how the idea of conformity can change someones beliefs very quickly due to self control or others actions. Religion is a very touchy subject, because of the views such as abortion and believing in life after death and more. Although a variety of religions have these same aspects, others do not so most people conform into a religion. I feel that conforming into a religion that YOU want is what is really important when making a decision of this extent. However even though that in my opinion is a sensible choice, others may think otherwise and just conform into religion based on others choices. For instance, in the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller Tituba doesn't believe in the lord, but goes against her beliefs when forced to say that she does, to protect herself and the group of girls. I feel that the play connects very well to the issue of conformity because of the religious aspect of the play itself. In my opinion that is a big example of conforming into a religion that goes against somebody’s beliefs, and even personality and personal opinion as well.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Girls and Their Strive for Perfection

Every Girl strives to be perfect. Girls in my generation now, have different views on what it means to be perfect, and how exactly to get to the so called "level of perfection" status. Girls find their vision of perfect as a necessity not a want, so in time girls turn into teenagers, they become even more self conscious as they age. For instance, girls find that being a model, or having the body of a model is the definition of what perfect is or should look like in their perspective of things. Also, having the impression that having to look like a model is a must, changes the way girls even look at not only themselves as people, but their peers as well. Once girls start to change their mentality of how they look, it can spread low self esteem to their friends as well. This can be a danger to many girls physically and mentally because of the peer pressure girls have to go through in their lives.

            In relation to The Great Gatsby written by F.Scott Fitzgerald, the article relates to this novel through the theme of the American dream and conformity. In the novel, Gatsby’s vision of the “American dream” is to fit in with the people Daisy associates herself with in order to become closer to Daisy as the days go by. Gatsby’s way of conforming into society is that he became rich, and fit in with a society where it is considered normal to have a big amount of luxury handed to you at your feet. Gatsby’s pressure to conform into a society of people, who have money, is equally as similar to the pressure put upon girls to be perfect, whether it come from a magazine, TV or even peers, it starts with one person. Yourself.

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